New Delhi: There is no doubting that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are a power couple. The couple frequently engages in PDA on social media and exchanges love images. In preparation for the Dior fashion show taking place in Mumbai at the Gateway of India, Anushka and Virat recently had a photo shoot. Together, the couple appeared adorable. Fans, it goes without saying, were overjoyed.
Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli pose together in latest PICS
Taking to her Instagram handle, Anushka Sharma wrote, “(earth emoji) you! @virat.kohli (sic).” Virat is seen in the pictures sporting a white T-shirt and an olive green suit. While, Anushka looks stunning with a vivid yellow gown and clutch. The couple postures in a number of loving expressions.
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Sharing the same photographs, Virat Kohli captioned it, “About last night (red heart emoji) @anushkasharma (sic).”
About the Couple
One of the most adored celebrity partnerships is that of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli. In 2021, the couple will welcome Vamika, a daughter. Virat recently discussed how he and Anushka handled the Covid-19 lockdown and how the actress made numerous sacrifices in a podcast.
He said, “The way things have been in the past two years, we have had our child and, as a mother, the sacrifices that she made have been massive. Looking at her, I realised whatever problems I had were nothing. As far as expectations are concerned, as long as your family loves you for who you are, you don’t expect much because that is the basic requirement.”