Indian film director Anurag Kashyap has recently been in the spotlight, not just for his successful films but also for statements he made during a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter India. In the interview, he shared his thoughts about the industry, expressed some of his frustrations, and emphasized his desire to create projects on his own terms.
When the interviewer talked about his plans and the projects, the director said, “I am disappointed and disgusted; I feel like I cannot change the world, so the world will stay the way it is. I have to live in that world and do my own thing. I have to find my way to do my own thing, but I will do it on my terms and conditions and my way.”
He further added, “I will not do it any other way; whatever may come, I will walk out, I will quit, but everything has to be the way I want to do it, and I’m making the film. My people, my world.”
In the interview, he shared his frustration and said, “Here, what is wrong, everybody expects to be treated like a star. Half the problem with this industry is they feel disrespected. Now, it is difficult for me to go out and experiment as it comes at a cost, which makes my producers think about profit and margins. Right from the beginning, before the film starts, it becomes about how to sell it. So, the joy of filmmaking is sucked out. That’s why I want to move out of Mumbai next year. I am going to the South. I want to go where there is stimulation. Otherwise, I will die as an old man. I am so disappointed and disgusted by my own industry. I am disgusted by the mindset.”
This message by the director gained a lot of attention, and people respected him for speaking out about the truth of Hindi cinema.