Actor Ram Kapoor’s recent statements about the industry and his colleagues have landed him in trouble. The controversy began when he took a jab at producer Ekta Kapoor, prompting her to call him out on Instagram without directly mentioning his name.
Now, Ram’s comments about Amar Upadhyay have sparked a reaction from the actor himself. In a recent interview, Ram shared his thoughts on Amar’s decision to leave TV for films, stating that it upset many of his fans. Ram claimed he had advised Amar against making the switch, but Amar went ahead with it anyway. Bade Acche Lagte Hain actor believes Amar’s film career didn’t take off as expected, making it a poor decision.
Amar Upadhyay has since responded to Ram’s comments, disagreeing with his assessment. In an interview with Telly Talk, Amar shared his thoughts on the matter. “On the day of my premiere, a journalist asked me something, and I didn’t even know what was being said. I haven’t seen it yet. Someone told me that they were talking about Ekta, and I thought they were just spreading rumours. My philosophy in life is that I don’t care what people say or think about me. I don’t pay attention to negative comments or podcasts that mention me in a negative light. I have a very positive mindset, and I know that I am an extremely hardworking person,” he shared.
As far as leaving television is concerned, he shared, “I don’t sit at home for more than two to four days; I go mad if I don’t work. I’m not going to leave TV, and I won’t leave it because television has given me constant work. Check my Wikipedia page; you’ll see that I’ve been working constantly since 2003.”
He added, “Many of my colleagues from back in the day are no longer working in TV. I have been in the industry for 32 years, and I am still going strong. I am doing web series, regional films, and more. My recently released Gujarati film was a huge success, and I have more projects lined up. I have a meeting tonight for another big TV show, and I’m thinking about how much to take on.”
The TV actor also talked about the importance of family and how he balances personal and professional life. “My family might tell me to stay out of the house if I don’t spend enough time with them! I love spending time with my kids and wife, and I love taking them abroad twice a year. It’s essential to show them the world and how it’s changing. So, I’ll keep working and enjoying my life,” he told the reporter.
Amar ends the interview by sharing the philosophy of his life and how he navigates challenges. “God is kind, and I have a lot of work to do. Woh kehte haina, Kuch Toh Log Kahenge… Logon Ka Kaam Hai Kehna. People will talk, but I’ll just focus on my work and ignore the negativity,” he concluded