New Delhi: Allu Arjun’s Pushpa: The Rule has began its shooting as the makers have shared the first glimpse from the sets of the movie. Taking to her Twitter handle, Rashmika Mandanna, who will also feature as the female lead, shared the glimpse. Sharing the picture, she tweeted, “look at thaaaaat! it’s starting y’all.”
Pushpa: The Rule is the sequel to Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s movie Pushpa: The Rule.
See Rashmika’s tweet here
🔥🔥🔥🔥 look at thaaaaat! 🔥 it’s starting y’all 💃🏻
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) October 17, 2022
With the image, the makers hinted at the progress of the film which is going on in full flow.
After the buzz that Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 Mahurat announcement had created, netizens were excited to know when the superstar will commence the shoot of it. The madness amongst the audience was so much that several songs, scenes, and monologues started to trend on social media. Kids wanted to dance on Puspa’s Saami Saami & Srivalli, and adults enacted Allu’s walk and style. With excitement at its peak, the announcement for the sequel came like a bang.
Today, Allu Arjun is the Global icon. The PAN India star has represented India globally and has certainly held the Indian flag high when he was chosen as the Grand Marshall in the annual Indian day parade in NEW YORK. That was the day when the internet had gone wild and Allu Arjun trended everywhere. The craze for Allu Arjun amongst his fans is a vision to witness especially when his Pushpa character had taken over all the Ganesh Pandal. It will be exciting to see what else Allu Arjun has to offer in Pushpa 2.