Allu Arjun has been in the news after he got arrested in connection to the stampede death incident at the Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad. His arrest created uproar among his fans, who supported the actor and openly expressed their disapproval over his arrest. A video has now surfaced on social media in which a fan allegedly tried to attempt suicide outside Chanchalguda Jail on Friday night to demand Allu Arjun’s release from jail.
The fan allegedly poured petrol on himself and police was seen trying to control him in the viral video. The video was shared by Telugu Scribe on X (formerly Twitter).
అల్లు అర్జున్ను విడుదల చేయాలంటూ చంచల్గూడ జైలు వద్ద సూసైడ్ అటెంప్ట్ చేసిన అల్లు అర్జున్ అభిమాని
— Telugu Scribe (@TeluguScribe) December 14, 2024
Allu Arjun was released from jail on Saturday morning and addressed the media gathered outside his residence. Addressing the media, the actor said, “We are extremely sorry for the family. I will personally be there to help them in whatever way possible. I was inside the theatre watching a movie with my family and the accident happened outside. It has no direct connection with me. It was purely accidental and unintentional… I have been going to the same theatre for the last 20 years, and I have been to the same place more than 30 times. There has never been an accident like this before. I should reserve my comments because I don’t want to say anything that will tamper the case…”
For the unversed, a 35-year-old woman died at the Sandhya theatre on December 4 due to stampede after Allu Arjun visited the venue during the screening of ‘Pushpa 2’. Allu Arjun earlier expressed his grief on this tragic incident and announced the donation of Rs 25 lakh.