New Delhi: Ranveer Singh recently surprised fans by posing naked for an international magazine. While many of his coworkers praised him for his bravery, the actor has also been trolled for the photos. Alia Bhatt, his Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani co-star, has now come out in support of him, saying that he only deserves love.
Alia was asked about the backlash that Ranveer Singh has received for the photoshoot during the trailer launch of her debut production venture Darlings, in which she also plays the lead role. The actor stated that she will not tolerate any negative comments about her “favourite co-star.”
“I don’t like anything negative said about my favorite co-star Ranveer Singh. Toh main yeh question ko bardasht bhi nahi kar sakti (So I cannot tolerate this question). I love him. He’s our favourite and he has given us so much in the movies. We should only give him love,” Alia Bhatt said.
Ranveer Singh paid homage to Burt Reynolds’ iconic 1972 Cosmopolitan magazine shoot in the Paper magazine photoshoot. Ranveer Singh was dubbed “the last Bollywood superstar” by the magazine.
Meanwhile, talking about Alia Bhatt, the actor is currently promoting her film Darlings. Also starring Shefali Shah, Vijay Varma and Roshan Mathew, Darlings will release on Netflix on August 5.