New Delhi: Ram Setu, starring Akshay Kumar, is once more in hot water. Subramanian Swamy, a BJP leader and former member of the Rajya Sabha, has since sent the production team of the movie a legal notice for allegedly falsifying the movie. Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Nushratt Bharuccha are part of the cast of the upcoming movie, and they have all been served legal notices for ‘distorting’ the truth in the drama. Subramanian Swamy claimed in a tweet that he has sent notices to Akshay and eight other people in order to educate them about “intellectual property rights.”
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Swamy took to Twitter to inform that Hindi cinema of being in a habit to misrepresent facts. The politician tweeted, “Mumbai cinema [or is it sin-e-ma] wallas have a bad habit of falsifying and misappropriation. Hence, to teach them Intellectual Property Rights, I have through Satya Sabharwal Adv issued Legal Notice to Cine Actor Akshay Kumar(Bhatia) and 8 others for distorting Ram Setu saga (sic).”
Mumbai cinema [or is it sin-e-ma] wallas have a bad habit of falsifying and misappropriation. Hence to teach them Intellectual Property Rights, I have through Satya Sabharwal Adv issued Legal Notice to Cine Actor Akshay Kumar(Bhatia) and his 8 others for distorting Ram Setu saga.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) August 28, 2022
As per a report in ANI, advocate Satya Sabarwal said in his legal notice, “My client in 2007, has successfully argued before the Supreme Court for the preservation and protection of the Rama Setu and had opposed the Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project of the Government of India which envisaged rupturing the Rama Setu [held to be sacred by Hindus], on August 31, 2007, the Supreme Court was pleased to pass stay Order against any plan to demolish or damage the Rama Setu. This was on the grounds that faith and worship is a constitutional imperative.”
Also Read :- Akshay Kumar starrer Ram Setu lands in legal trouble for allegedly distorting facts
The notice further read, “It has come to my Client’s knowledge that, a Movie namely Ram Setu has been filmed and is set to be released on August 24. That Court proceedings are an integral part of saving the Ram Setu being demolished by previous Governments and if the same is being picturized in the Addressee’s film, then my Client has contributed in the film vide the Court proceedings initiated and my Client is bound to be recognized for the same with correct picturization of original facts and the Original Petitioner’s name used anywhere in the film.” The petition also demanded that script/frames related to Ram Setu are shared with Subramanian Swamy to prevent any falsification or wrong picturisation of facts in the future.
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