New Delhi: Akshay Kumar is Bollywood’s busiest actor. He is probably the only A-lister to release four films in one year. The actor, who was last seen in Prithviraj, is currently prepping for his next release – Rakshbandhan. Not only reel, Akshay Kumar is a real life hero too. Besides making films on issues addressing stigmas in the society, the Khiladi Kumar also plays the role of a responsible citizen. As per a Pinkvilla report, the Income Tax Department has felicitated Akshay Kumar with a Samman Patra and termed him one of the highest tax payer from the Hindi film industry.
Income tax department honours Akshay Kumar
While the actor is filming in the United Kingdom for his upcoming film with Tinu Desai, his team accepted the Samman Patra on his behalf. This is not the first time Akshay has received this honour, as the actor has consistently been among India’s highest tax payers over the last five years. “He currently has the most films and also rules the endorsement world. It’s no surprise that he’s on India’s list of highest tax payers “According to a source close to the situation.
In terms of work, Akshay is currently filming the Jaswant Singh Gill biopic in the United Kingdom. He is expected to return to India in the first week of August to begin promoting his next film, Raksha Bandhan, which is set to be released on August 11, 2022. Cinderella/Katputli, Ram Setu, Selfie, and Oh My God 2 are among his other films set to be released in the coming months. Following the Jawant Singh Gill biopic, Akshay will soon begin work on Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, a comedy with Mudassar Aziz, an air force-based action drama with Dinesh Vijan, and another film with Dharma Production, among many others. Keep an eye on Pinkvilla for more information on Akshay Kumar and his upcoming projects.