Ajith Kumar recently got into an accident while practicing for his upcoming Dubai 24H race. The video of his car hitting the track’s safety barrier went viral on social media, concerning the fans about his well being. In the viral video, the actor was also seen coming out of his car and looked absolutely fine. Later, his manager also assured Ajith’s fans about the actor’s safety and well being.
Talking about Ajith Kumar’s health, his manager Suresh Chandra said that the actor is unhurt and healthy. He was driving at a speed of 180 km when the car hit safety barrier and started spinning. According to News18, he said, “Ajith is unhurt, hale and healthy. He was driving at a speed of 180 km when this happened.”
Ajith Kumar’s massive crash in practise, but he walks away unscathed.
— Ajithkumar Racing (@Akracingoffl) January 7, 2025
Another day in the office … that’s racing!#ajithkumarracing #ajithkumar pic.twitter.com/dH5rQb18z0
For the unversed, Ajith Kumar owns the racing team Ajith Kumar Racing and will compete in the Dubai 24h race. Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux, and Cameron McLeod are his teammates.
On the work front, Ajith will be seen in Adhik Ravichandran’s film ‘Good Bad Ugly’. The movie also stars Trisha Krishnan, Prabhu, Prasanna, Arjun Das, Sunil, Rahul Dev, and Yogi Babu in pivotal roles. The movie will release in theatres on April 10, 2025.
He will also star in ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ with Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Arav, Regina Cassandra and Ramya Subramanian. The movie revolves around a husband, who is looking for his missing wife as she went missing during their vacation. The movie will release this year.
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He was last seen in ‘Thunivu’ with Manju Warrier, Samuthirakani, John Kokken, Ajay and Veera. The movie revolves around a group of people, who plans to commit a bank heist to find the corporate looted people’s money.