New Delhi: Actor Annu Kapoor on Sunday penned a precautionary note for everyone on Instagram. The actor was apparently approached by some fraudsters posing as Instagram officials. “An unverified Instagram account approaches me for verification , In the festive season as everyone is busy celebrating , but some fraudsters and hackers are also on the rise , i appeal to everyone to stay safe and be double sure before sharing your personal details to anyone or any websites , mails or messages like these .Do not attend any unknown phone calls either,” he wrote as he also shared screenshots of chat with fraudsters.
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Annu Kapoor lost 4.36 lakh rupees to an online fraudster under the guise of updating his Know Your Customer (KYC) data with a top private sector bank, according to media reports. Thankfully, with the prompt police action, he was able to retrieve 3.08 lakh rupees. Now, the actor has penned a gratitude note for Mumbai Police, expressing his sincere thanks.
Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Annu shared a picture as he posed with police officers. He wrote, “I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mumbai Police of Oshiwara, cyber crime wing for their immediate and effective action taken against fraud in my bank account.” He also tagged the police officers of the cyber-crime who helped him get his money back.
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Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Annu shared a picture as he posed with police officers. He wrote, “I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mumbai Police of Oshiwara, cyber crime wing for their immediate and effective action taken against fraud in my bank account.” He also tagged the police officers of the cyber-crime who helped him get his money back.
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Annu Kapoor got a call from a man posing as an employee of the bank on Thursday who said he needed to update his KYC form. Post the call, the actor shared his bank details and One Time Password, which led to the fraud, the Oshiwara police station official said.
“Sometime later, the caller transferred ₹ 4.36 lakh from Mr Kapoor’s account to two other accounts in two transactions. However, the bank immediately called him up to inform him about the transaction and also told him his account was compromised,” he said.
“Both the accounts have been frozen by these banks and Kapoor will get back ₹ 3.08 lakh. A case has been registered under the Indian Penal Code and Information Technology Act provisions. Efforts are on to arrest the online fraudster,” the police official said.