New Delhi: Bollywood singer Adnan Sami took a potshot on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy after his remark on RRR’s coveted Oscar win. On March 13, after the film won big at the coveted award event, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy rushed to Twitter to celebrate the achievement, remarking how the ‘Telegu flag is flying higher.’
Following the CM’s tweet, Adnan Sami took to the micro-blogging site and criticised him sharply writing that Reddy should be ‘ashamed for creating regional divides’. “What a regional-minded frog in a pond who can’t think about the ocean because it’s beyond his tiny nose!! Shame on you for creating regional divides & unable to embrace or preach national pride!Jai HIND!! )sic),” the singer tweeted.
Adnan Sami takes a jibe at Andhra CM
What a regional minded frog in a pond who can’t think about the ocean because it’s beyond his tiny nose!! Shame on you for creating regional divides & unable to embrace or preach national pride!
Jai HIND!!🇮🇳— Adnan Sami (@AdnanSamiLive) March 13, 2023
In another tweet, Sami justified his statement writing, ” “My issue has never been about the language. My issue has been very simple… All languages, regardless of their origin & dialect are ultimately under the one umbrella of being INDIAN FIRST & then anything else- That’s all! I have sung innumerable songs in regional languages with the same effort & respect equally for all (sic).”
My issue has never been about the language. My issue has been very simple… All languages, regardless of their origin & dialect are ultimately under the one umbrella of being INDIAN FIRST & then anything else- That’s all!
I have sung innumerable songs in regional languages with…— Adnan Sami (@AdnanSamiLive) March 13, 2023
About RRR
The story for Vijayendra Prasad’s RRR was written by SS Rajamouli. Two revolutionaries, Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem, who are played by Ram Charan and Jr. NTR, respectively, are the subject of the movie. The film’s viral song Naatu Naatu took home the Golden Globe for Best Original Song in 2023. RRR was made by DVV Danayya for a whopping Rs 550 crore. More than Rs 1200 crore were made by the movie worldwide.
Also Read: Amitabh Bachchan lauds Oscar victory of RRR, The Elephant Whisperers, says THIS
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