Actor Deepika Singh, known for her role in the TV show “Diya Aur Baati Hum,” recently faced a health scare while filming her current project, “Mangal Lakshmi.” The soaring temperatures in Mumbai, coupled with the use of glycerine for emotional scenes, reportedly led to a blood clot in her right eye.
Singh experienced irritation in her eye during the shoot. When a co-star noticed a red clot, she immediately sought medical attention. Doctors confirmed the clot and prescribed medication, including ointments and eye drops, for a five-day recovery period.
“The doctor told me I’d hurt my eye, and it would take around five days to heal completely,” Singh said in a statement. “They’ve advised me not to strain my eyes, especially by avoiding glycerine or any other eye product.”
This restriction poses a challenge for the actress, as her character in “Mangal Lakshmi” often requires her to portray emotions through tears. “It’s getting difficult to shoot scenes, especially since I have a lot of crying scenes coming up,” she admitted. “As an actor, your eyes are your biggest asset to convey emotions, so this is quite a setback.”
Singh’s experience serves as a reminder for actors and production teams to prioritize health and safety during filming, particularly in extreme weather conditions. Alternatives to glycerine or minimizing its use, especially during hot weather, might be necessary to prevent similar incidents.
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