Recently, the trailer of actor Ayush Sharma’s film ‘Ruslaan’, directed by Katyayan Shivpuri, was released. Its first teaser was released on April 21, 2023, in which Ayush Sharma is seen doing tremendous action. The producer of this film is KK Radhamohan. Along with Aayush Sharma, the film also stars Telugu superstar Jagapathi Babu and actress Sushri Mishra. According to sources, the film will soon be released in theatres.
Tremendous action is visible in the trailer of this film. According to the filmmakers, the film was earlier titled as ASO 4. But recently its name has been changed to ‘Ruslaan’.
Significantly, a film named ‘Ruslaan’ has already been made which was the subject of much discussion. The lead actor of this film is Raajveer Sharma and Moushumi Chatterjee’s daughter Megha Chatterjee is in the role of his actress.
However, this film could not show any special feat at the box office. But Raajveer Sharma’s work was appreciated. The film ‘Ruslaan’ starred actor Raajveer Sharma as well as actors Shahbaz Khan, Ganesh Yadav, Asrani, Smita Jayakar, Rajendra Sharma, Rajan Sharma, SM Zaheer, Shabnam Kapoor and Prithvi Jyutshi.
The songs of this movie were sung by famous singers like Sunidhi Chauhan, Javed Ali, Master Salim, Sadhna Sargam and Hariharan and the music was given by Raees. Famous Bollywood choreographer Shabina Khan choreographed the songs of this film. This film was produced by Delhi’s famous leader and social worker Jagdish Sharma.
This film was very much discussed at that time, on whose music release many big actors and political veterans had reached. The music release of the film was done in New Delhi by the then Chief Minister Sheela Dixit.
Big stars attended the music release of the film at Delhi’s famous five-star hotel, in which, cricketer Kapil Dev, Mohammad Azharuddin, Madanlal, actress Moushumi Chatterjee, Gurmeet Choudhary, Debina Bonnerjee, Shaleen Bhanot, MS Bitta and all the star cast of the film were included.
The special thing is that Moushumi Chatterjee’s daughter Megha and film actor Rajveer Sharma started their careers from this film. Recently, as soon as the trailer of Aayush Sharma’s film was released, the discussion of Raajveer Sharma’s debut film ‘Ruslaan’ became hot in the film circles.
Raajveer Sharma has become a topic of discussion in the cinema world nowadays. The shooting of his new music album ‘Apni Mohabbat’ has been completed recently. Filmgiants Pvt. Ltd. Company is producing this music album. Famous social worker of Haryana Vikas Nonach and Indore’s businessman Shikhar Verma are co-producers of this song.
Raees has given the music of this album and his son Sam has given voice to this song. The lyrics of this song have been written by the senior bureaucrat of the Government of India Saurabh Tiwari (Joint Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India). Which have also been published in the book ‘Anaayas Hi’ written by him.
Apart from this, Raajveer Sharma is also working in many films, songs and web series. According to the news, the music release of Raajveer Sharma’s music album ‘Apni Mohabbat’ is going to be done soon.
Big actors, businessmen, bureaucrats and many leaders from India and abroad will participate in this ceremony. Which has been confirmed by many big actors in the past as well. Saurabh Tiwari and another officer of Government of India Saurav Ray (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs) are also acting in this song.
Delhi’s Yukta Sharma is Raajveer Sharma’s heroine in this song and Punjab’s famous actress Priyanka is in the lead role. The song is directed by Akshay Kumar Rahi and Saurav Tomar is the production head of this song.
It is noteworthy that Raajveer Sharma had recently confirmed that his film ‘Ruslaan’ is going to release soon on a major OTT platform.
In this context, actor Raajveer Sharma said that Aayush Sharma is a good actor and he has acted well in his upcoming film. Which should be praised. But at the same time, Raajveer Sharma also said that my film ‘Ruslaan’ is going to launch soon on the OTT platform.
And Aayush Sharma’s film is still in post-production and is going to release soon. The title of both is ‘Ruslaan’ which can confuse people as to which ‘Ruslaan’ they want to watch.
Raajveer Sharma said that the title ‘Ruslaan’ was his, but for some unknown reason, KK Radha Mohan, the producer of Aayush Sharma’s film, named his film ‘Ruslaan’. This will cause confusion among the audience with the same name of both films and this can harm both the films.
And if KK Radha Mohan does not change the name of his film then it will cause a huge loss to the makers of my film ‘Ruslaan’ and its OTT rights will be impossible. Raajveer also said that Aayush Sharma is a good actor and he should take care that no other actor or filmmaker should be harmed by his actions.
According to the sources, Raajveer Sharma himself wants to meet KK Radha Mohan and Aayush Sharma and talk about the matter so that neither of the two films get harmed.
As per reliable sources, underestimating actor Raajveer Sharma in any subject may cost Aayush Sharma and KK Radha Mohan. Now it has to be seen whether Aayush Sharma will change the name of his film again for the third time or actor Raajveer Sharma’s film ‘Ruslaan’ will have to face financial loss.
According to sources, if Aayush Sharma and KK Radha Mohan do not approach actor Raajveer Sharma, then this fight may go to court.
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