Coming from a legendary Bollywood lineage, Abhishek Bachchan often finds himself compared to his superstar parents, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan, and his globally celebrated wife, Aishwarya Rai. Despite not achieving the same global recognition, Abhishek has learned to embrace these comparisons. Speaking to CNBC-TV18, he said:
“It’s never going to get easy. But after 25 years of being asked the same question, I have become immune to it. If you are comparing me to my father, you are comparing me to the best. I believe that maybe I am worthy of being considered among these great names. I look at it like that.”
Pride In Family And Their Achievements
Abhishek expressed immense pride in his family, stating that their success inspires him daily.
“My parents are my parents, my family is my family, my wife is my wife, and I am immensely proud of them and their achievements and what they continue to do.”
Inspired By Amitabh’s Work Ethic at 82
The actor admires his father Amitabh Bachchan’s relentless passion for work, even at the age of 82. Sharing an anecdote, he said:
“We are sitting here in a wonderful AC room in Mumbai, doing this interview, having a nice cup of coffee, and that 82-year-old is shooting for KBC from 7 in the morning. He’s leading by example. I want to be like that. When I go to bed at night, all I think is that when I am 82, I want my daughter to say, ‘Hey, my dad’s 82 and he’s still at it.’”
Abhishek Bachchan On Aaradhya Bachchan
Abhishek also reflected on the significance of his family’s legacy and the importance of carrying it forward.
“I am what I am today because of my family. I do what I do for my family, past, present, and future. Their opinion matters the most to me. I’m immensely proud of my name, given by my grandfather. But I’m prouder of the surname he blessed us with. I will do whatever I can to ensure the love we receive because of my grandfather continues. I hope my daughter Aaradhya and future generations can uphold and respect that legacy.”
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The actor emphasized his dedication to preserving the values and legacy of the Bachchan name for his daughter and future generations. His words encapsulate a deep sense of responsibility and pride in his roots.