New Delhi: The Directorate of Education, Uttar Pradesh, has released the UP NEET PG 2022 counselling merit list for the mop-up round. Candidates can check the merit list by visiting the official site of the UP NEET at
The merit list for MD/MS and dental courses has been released. Candidates can view the merit list on the UPNET official website by following the simple steps outlined below.
The merit list contains the name of the candidate, state rank, roll number, NEET category, UP category, sub-category, NEET rank, NEET marks, marks with weightage, and weightage in percentage.
Direct link to check the merit list for MD and MS
Direct link to check the merit list for dental
Steps to check UP NEET PG 2022 Counseling merit list
- Visit the official UP NEET website at
- On the home page, click on "UP NEET PG 2022 Counseling Merit List."
- Enter your login details and click on "submit."
- Your merit list will be displayed on the screen.
- Examine the merit list and the download page.
- Keep a hard copy of the same with you for further reference.