TS EAMCET 2022 Counselling: The TS EMACET 2022 registration process will conclude today (August 21). Willing candidates who have still not registered can do so by visiting the official website — tseamcet.nic.in
The registration process started on August 21. The certification verification will be conducted from August 23 to August 30 for the previous slot booked candidates.
Candidates can book their slots by verify their documents. The certificate verification process will require all original certificates and 2 sets of xerox copies.
The list of documents is given below:
• TSEAMCET -2022 Rank Card.
• TSEAMCET -2022 Hall Ticket.
• Aadhar Card.
• S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo.
• Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-Cum-Pass Certificate.
• VI to Intermediate or its Equivalent Study Certificates.
• Transfer Certificate (T.C).
• Income Certificate issued on or after 01-01-2022 by the competent authority, if applicable.
• EWS Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar valid for the year 2022-23, if applicable.
• Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority, if applicable.
• Residence Certificate of a candidate for 7 years preceding to qualifying examination in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education.
• In respect of Non-Local candidates to consider them for allotment under unreserved seats the following certificates need to be submitted- Residence Certificate or Employer Certificate and Minorities.
Steps to Apply:
- Visit the official website of TS EAMCET counselling tseamcet.nic.in
- Click on the TS EAMCET counselling 2022 registration link
- Enter the required details
- Click on the general password
- Click on the ‘Save Password’ button to complete the registration
- Candidates will see a ‘Registration Successful’ message after completion of registration