JEE Advanced 2022: The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Bombay will conduct the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2022 on August 28. The exam will be conducted online mode. JEE Advanced 2022 will be conducted for two papers. Paper 1 will be conducted from 9 AM to 12 PM and paper 2 timings are 2:30 to 5:30 PM.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) released the JEE Advanced 2022 admit card on August 23, 2022. Candidates who registered for JEE Advanced Entrance Examination are eligible to download Admit Card / Hall Ticket / Call Letter. Aspirants can download the JEE Advanced Admit Card 2022 from the official website at
JEE Advanced 2022 exam day guidelines:
1. Candidates must carry a printed copy of the admit card and their valid original photo identity card, any one of the following:
• Aadhaar Card
• School/College/Institute ID
• Driving License
• Voter ID
• Passport
• PAN Card
• Notarized Certificate with photograph
2. Only candidates having a valid admit card and photo identity card are allowed to write the examination. Only pens, pencils, drinking water in a transparent bottle, a downloaded admit card and an original photo identity card are allowed to be taken inside the examination hall.
3. Candidates must reach their allotted JEE Advanced exam centres before the reporting time to avoid the last-minute rush.
4. No student should carry disallowed items such as mobile, calculator, rough paper, etc. to the centre.
5. No candidates shall wear items containing metals like rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. to the centre.
6. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam hall before the end of the exam.
7. Candidates should wear a mask all the time inside and outside the exam centre. Also, applicants are advised to carry their bottles of sanitizer.