New Delhi: The 67th Preliminary Examination conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) was held in the state on Friday. Over 6 lakh candidates had registered for the re-exam at 1153 examination centers in the state.
The exam was conducted on 30 September 2022 from 12 noon to 2 pm in a single shift. BPSC officials said that around 4.75 lakh students took the exam in the state. Prelims result is likely to be out by November 15.
Keep these things in mind during the exam
BPSC Chairman Atul Prasad said, “No untoward incident took place and the examinations were conducted peacefully at all the examination centers in the state. Due to the amendment in the examination process the examination was conducted in a proper manner.
He has also said that smart lock system was used to keep the question papers safe. The passcode to open the box was given to the center superintendent just an hour before and the lock was opened in front of the candidates. Now, we are collecting the answer-sheets and transparency will be maintained during the evaluation process.”