Dehradun: In a disturbing case, a girl student studying GNM Nursing at a college in Transport Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand’s capital, was raped by a young man pretending as her relative and then made her pornographic film viral on the internet. On the basis of the victim’s allegation, the Patel Nagar Kotwali police have opened an investigation against the accused.
On Saturday, while giving Tahrir at Patel Nagar police station, the victim stated that Tanveer Ahmed, a resident of village Baleki, Bhagwanpur, Roorkee district, Haridwar, phoned her and introduced himself as her relative approximately a year ago.
Following that, he abused her by continuously contacting her and following her on her route to and from college. Tanveer responded by threatening to defame her in front of her family. This made her uneasy.
Tanveer then phoned her for a conversation in May 2022 and drove her to a hotel on Saharanpur Road, where he raped her after sedating her with a soft drink and also filmed an obscene video of her.
Following this, the accused blackmailed her and raped her three times until now. Even after this, the accused’s obscene video went viral on the internet on November 27.
According to Inspector Suryabhushan Negi, in-charge of Patelnagar Kotwali, a case has been filed against the accused Tanveer.