Bihar: In a viral video, a number of people from Bihar’s Sasaram town of Rohtas district can be seen collecting bundles of notes from a drain on Saturday in Morabada village. The district administrator is examining whether the notes are genuine and who dumped them.
Currency note bundles of ₹100 and ₹10, were found floating in a sewer in a Bihar town, Sasaram, around 150 km from capital Patna.
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In the video number of people can be seen entering the drain and grabbing bank notes worth Rs 2,000, Rs 500, Rs 100, and Rs 10. Local villagers reported to have seen bags carrying cash notes inside the drain early in the morning. Soon, a big number of individuals joined in and began collecting the notes. They also claimed that the notes were authentic.
Netizens Reaction
A user wrote, “Kichaad se paise lene walonko Aaj dekh liye hum ne… Kahawat sach sabhit hogayi.” Another user wrote, “Now people will have to put this sewer currency in their purses. Go cashless.” A third person wrote, “Good for locals. Looks like a money dump.” A fourth person commented, “get ridding of black money.”