Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh): In a disturbing video, a dog was seen carrying a dead body of new born child in his mouth allegedly for having it as a meal. The incident took place on November 26 in Vidsiha district of Madhya Pradesh.
This caused a sense of disgust among people over the internet as well as those who gathered at the site.
Poeple from the nearby area collected after seeing the dog with a dead body of a just-born baby. They tried to make the dog leave the dead body alone but they failed.
However, the dog took the baby along with him before the police arrived.
In the video, the dog could be seen walking away with the dead body in his mouth.
One of the passerbys told a News24 reporter that somebody would have burried the body underground which must have been dug out by the dog.
Meanwhile, another passerby believed that the dog would have brought the dead body from the railway tracks. Some claim that newborns are frequently dumped on railroad tracks after birth.
It should be noted that there is a government hospital near to the place of incident.
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