New Delhi: There are many instances and tradition where police or army personnel give tributes by firing with a gun in air. But in this area of Ranchi, salute is given to Maa Durga during the Navratri by firing shots with a gun.
This tradition is going on for years in JAP (Jharkhand Armed Police)-1 located in the Doranda area of Ranchi, capital of Ranchi. Here Maa Durga is worshipped as per the Nepali traditions. The soldiers of JAP-1 salute Maa Durga by firing guns and worship her. This is being done since a long time during the festival of Navratri. Every year during Navratri three rounds of shot is fired from the guns a tribute for worshipping Maa Durga.
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This tradition is being practiced for a long time. It is said this goes back since 1880s. Every year, on all the 9 days of Navratri, the soldier of the forest worship the mother. In this traditional form of worship only a ‘Kalash’ is established. There is no idol or picture of Maa Durga.
Weapons are also worshiped
During this, the soldiers of JAP Forest also do special worship of their weapons. This 9-day puja in this department is considered very important for the police personnel.
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