Tamil Nadu: Special license introduced to serve liquor in household functions, banquet halls, marriage halls
Tamil Nadu: The state government recently introduced a special license for serving liquor to guests in convention centres, conference halls, banquet and marriage halls, as well as sports stadiums and household functions.
The state government recently amended the Tamil Nadu Liquor (Licence and Permit) Rule, 1981, and added a special licencing provision for serving liquor to guests, visitors, and participants in international, national summits and events, conferences, celebrations, and festivals, among other events.
According to a recently issued decree by the state government, annual charges for supplying spirits at commercial sites - convention centres, marriage halls, sports stadiums and so on - are $100,000 in municipal corporation regions, $75,000 in municipality areas and $50,000 in other places. Similarly, licences can be obtained on a daily basis for 11,000/day in municipal corporation regions, 7,500/day in municipalities, and 5,000/day in other locations.
The notice said, "The licensee shall obtain his supplies from the Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Limited Wholesale Depot nearest to the place of events or from such other source as the deputy commissioner/assistant commissioner (excise) may appoint or approve, subject to such conditions as he may stipulate and as per the quantity of the supplies approved by the deputy commissioner/assistant commissioner."
Notably, similar licences are also necessary to sell liquor to visitors at non-commercial events such as house parties and functions. Residents of the municipal corporation must pay 11,000 for a one-time licence. Similarly, for gatherings held in municipal areas, a licence worth $7,500 for a one-time supply of spirits and $5,000 for a licence in other places will be necessary. The message went on to say that the application for the special licence must be completed online a week before the event and that supplying liquor may be permitted in pegs or bottles.
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