Haryana Police, in collaboration with the Hapur Police and Health Department, busted the vicious gang that conducted prenatal sex tests in Hapur, arresting six people and keeping four women in police custody. Police are raiding locations in search of other foetal gender accomplices. The vicious gang used to charge Rs 25,000 for foetal examinations of unborn children.
What is the matter all about? How it unfolded?
On Friday, Haryana Police, in collaboration with the district’s Health Department and the Hapur Kotwali Nagar Police, apprehended six suspects from the Nizampur bypass. Police have also arrested four women whose foetal gender has been determined.
According to Dr Dinesh Khatri, a police team from Haryana’s district Faridabad conducted an inspection of a CHC on Hapur Garh Road after receiving information that illegal foetal sex testing was taking place in Hapur.
To expose the vicious gang, a team was formed under the supervision of two doctors. Along with this, the officials prepared two women for foetal gender testing.
Women contacted a broker resident of village Panchi of Kharkhoda area of Meerut police station to get the foetal sex test, and the deal for the foetal sex test was settled at 25 thousand per woman.
The informant asked both women to come to the HPDA office area on Delhi Road in Hapur district on Thursday morning. When the women arrived, they discovered that four other women were already present.
The broker, and with his doctors travelled to the village of Bhatona in the Bulandshahr district with four women and the people present, tested their foetal sex, and returned with them.
The broker then took both women and went on to investigate the fetus’s gender. Meanwhile, a team from the Haryana Police and the Health Department pursued and apprehended the accused.
According to reports, the foetal sex was examined in a mobile van parked in a house in the village of Bhatona in the district of Bulandshahr.
More people are being searched in the case of foetal sex, despite the fact that it has been revealed that this vicious gang has done illegal foetal sex checks on hundreds of women up to this point.