New Delhi: A woman from Delhi Rajkumari Gupta named her four-story Mangolpuri house after the congress leader Rahul Gandhi. After the notice has been issued to him for vacating the government bungalow after his Lok Sabha membership was cancelled. After this, Congress leaders and workers are running a campaign in the name of “Mera Ghar Rahul Gandhi Ka Ghar.”
After the cancellation of his membership in the Lok Sabha, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi will have to vacate his official residence, Tughlaq Lane, by April 22. On March 27, the Housing Committee of the Lok Sabha sent him a notice asking him to vacate his official residence by April 22.
This Rajkumari Gupta ji,President of Delhi Congress Seva Dal He Registered his house in the name of Rahul Gandhi live in Mangolpuri areahe got this house during the time of Indira Gandhi.They say that Modi ji can Drive Raga out of the house,but Not from the heart of people.
---Advertisement---— Ashish Singh (@AshishSinghKiJi) April 1, 2023
According to the notice sent to Rahul Gandhi, the Lok Sabha Secretariat issued a notification on March 24, 2023, cancelling his membership in the Lok Sabha with effect from March 23, 2023. As a result, as an MP in the 17th Lok Sabha, he can now only stay in the government residence at 12 Tughlaq Lane for a maximum of one month, until April 22, 2023. The notice states that the allotment of this government house to him is cancelled as of April 23, 2023.
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