Gopalganj: Rabri Devi, the wife of the iconic Lalu Prasad Yadav, Bihar's first woman Chief Minister, recently opened up to the media about her early education journey. This marks her first public revelation of why she pursued education only up to the fifth grade. Rabri Devi traveled to Gopalganj to her maternal home in Sellar Kalan, shared nostalgic memories of her school days alongside Lalu Prasad Yadav, the supreme leader of the Rashtriya Janata Dal.
Cherished memories at the old school
Reflecting on her past, Rabri Devi emotionally explained that during her childhood, the village school offered education only up to the fifth grade. Girls were not encouraged to pursue higher studies. She revealed that her education journey concluded at the fifth grade, and she couldn't continue her studies in the village as there were no higher classes available.
Empowering girls' education
Rabri Devi proudly shared that during her tenure as Bihar's Chief Minister, a significant change was made. When she recognized the need to uplift girls' education, she took a powerful step. She established the construction of a Balika Plus-Two School (Girls' Higher Secondary School) in Sellar Kalan.
Education evolution: From then to now
Seeing girls studying at the class two school bought immense joy to Rabri Devi. On this occasion, she was joined by her elder son, Minister Tej Pratap Yadav. She conveyed that students have expressed a demand for Urdu and Sanskrit subjects. She stated that the Education Department will be directed to address this demand. Additionally, plans are underway to establish two additional classrooms and a computer lab.
A bond with schoolmate
Rabri Devi's schoolmate, Mansoor Ali, residing in Sellar Kalan, reminisced about their past. He recalled how Rabri Devi was a friendly presence, always walking alongside everyone. Witnessing her now at her home brings a sense of joy and nostalgia. Before this, Rabri Devi was welcomed with a student-led welcome song, adding a vibrant touch to the event.