New Delhi: The caste census has resumed in entire Bihar on Wednesday following the order of the Patna High Court. It was started by Patna District Magistrate Chandrashekhar himself in Ward 10, Phulwarisharif, Patna.
Patna DM told he has the data of all the people in Patna. There are 13 lakh 69 thousand families in Patna. In which 9 lakh 35 thousand people have been surveyed. Now the team will reach the families that have survived and do caste census.
Patna DM told that survey of remaining people will be done within a week. Today the survey work has started at all the places. This is a physical survey which will be done from house to house.
After which its entry will be in the portal. After that supervisor will check and submit it. Then it will go to the charge level officer. There are a total of 45 Charge Officers in Patna.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Patna High Court upheld the previous order to carry on the survey across Bihar and dismissed several petitions challenging the state government’s decision. The court gave the green signal to the Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government who can carry on the survey.
The case was heard by a bench of Chief Justice K Vinod Chandran and Justice Partha Sarthy. Earlier in May, the census was stopped when nearly 2 weeks were left of its completion.
The srurvey that was supposed to take place in two phases was scheduled to end in May itself. However, the first round was completed in January this year. In this phase, the household counting exercise took place.
The second round started on April 15 but the High Court ordered the stay. In this round, the state was collecting data of people regarding their caste and socio-economic conditions.