A 20-year-old fruit seller by the name of Ali Khan was arrested in the Nilje area of Thane after a viral video surfaced. The video indicated how he could be seen urinating into a plastic bag and then going ahead to sell fruits with unwashed hands. The incident had many individuals agitated in terms of health.
Viral Video Backlash
The video captured the attention of social media and irked most people in the locality. People were so shocked and went in great numbers to protest at the market.
📍Thane, Dombivli
A Muslim fruit vendor caught keeping a urine pouch in his cart, using it & selling fruits with same hands.
An official of Manpada police station said that the 20-year-old fruit seller identified as Ali Khan. The video is from Nilje area. Case registered. pic.twitter.com/UGv2mgIcUa — Ramsevak Dayanand Nene (@dayanandnene) September 23, 2024
Some went to the extent of damaging the place as a reaction to the improper sanitary behavior that happened in the video. Local officials had to intervene and contain the tensions aroused by the video.
Police Action
Manpada police arrested Ali Khan from the local market yesterday on Sunday. He has been charged with serious offences as per Indian law including:
Section 271 Act likely to spread dangerous diseases.
Section 272 Acts having the intent to cause grievous hurt and which may spread infection.
Section 296 Obscene activities.
Public anger brings forth the authorities, and the local civic bodies are acting. They plan to make the market a safer place as far as food hygiene is concerned so that no customer is harmed.