Mumbai Weather Update: According to the Indian Meteorological Department, light to moderate rain is possible in Mumbai over the next 24 hours. The IMD predicts moderate rain in the city and suburbs over the next 48 hours.
At the same time, the temperature will range between 27 and 25 degrees Celsius. The IMD predicts a weakening of the monsoon over Mumbai and the surrounding areas between October 5 and 10.
The drizzle continued throughout the week
There was also a slight drop in temperature earlier on Wednesday due to drizzle. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the current weather conditions are causing temperature drops in many parts of Maharashtra, including Mumbai. At the same time, the temperature in Pune and surrounding areas has been consistently below normal for a week.
According to IMD official KS Hosalikar, cold winds are blowing during the day and the nights are also getting colder as the temperature drops. On Wednesday, Mumbai remained cloudy, with light rain and little sunshine. The minimum temperature, which averaged 25 degrees Celsius last month, has also dropped by 2 degrees in the last two days.
According to SAFAR data, the city had an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 22 on Wednesday. Other cities, including Delhi, Pune, and Ahmedabad, had AQIs of 44, 24, and 40, respectively.