Chandigarh: In a Joint Operation with a Central Agency and ATS Maharashtra, Punjab Police has apprehended Charat Singh. Singh is a key accused in rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attack on Punjab Police intelligence headquarters in Mohali on May 9
Police nabbed the mastermind Charat Singh from Mumbai today morning.
“He is key operative and associate of Canada-based BKI terrorist Lakhbir Singh aka Landa. Punjab Police will strive to make the state crime-free as per vision of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann,” said DGP Gaurav Yadav.
The attack was allegedly carried out by the axis of Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)and gangsters with the backing of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
In the matter, the Punjab Police have apprehended 7 accused so far.
Charat Singh main accused in #RPG attack at Intel HQs #Mohali, #Punjab arrested from #Mumbai
— DGP Punjab Police (@DGPPunjabPolice) October 13, 2022