Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday lashed out at the leader of the opposition and Samajwadi party chief Akhilesh Yadav in the state assembly, following questions over the killing of a witness in the BSP MLA murder case in Prayagraj district.
In his fierce response to the opposition, CM Yogi accused the Samajwadi Party protector of goons and Mafias.
“Is it not true that Atiq Ahmed, who is accused by the victim’s family, is a Samajwadi Party protected mafia and we have always worked to break him down,” the Chief Minister said, Pointing finger at Mr. Yadav.
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“Speaker sir, he is (Pointing out to Akhilesh) the godfather of criminals and mafias. They (Samajwadi Party) have crime in their veins… And, I am assuring this house today, we will run this mafia into the sand,” Yogi Adityanath said aggressively.
Probably, It was the first time since he took oath as Chief Minister in 2017, he had an outburst like this in the state assembly.
Amid uproar, leader of the opposition, Akhilesh Yadav hit back at CM and said, “The goons are yours.” He had earlier accused the state’s police and double engine’s government of UP a total failure.
At one point during his speech Yogi Adityanath pointed out Akhilesh Yadav and said, “Sharam to tumhe krni chahiye, apne baap ka samman nahi kar paye tum (You should be ashamed, you did not respect even your father)”
The fiery exchange was initiated after Akhilesh Yadav questioned and criticised the government over the killing of a witness in the murder case of a BSP MLA murder case yesterday. The attack was caught on CCTV cameras.