New Delhi: A Misrik Police Station In-charge of Uttra Pradesh’s Sitapur, Avad Senger, has been sent to line attach after a video of him using derogatory language against Dalit woman went viral.
The woman had approached the police officer with a complaint, but instead of hearing her, the accused police officer yelled at her and used abusive words to send her off.
In a video going viral of the incident, the woman was seen crying and pleading in front of the police officer, which seemed to not bother him.
“Tu Chalaegi Kanoon…? (Will you run the law?)” said the officer angrily. The video also shows another woman approaching the complainant, who attempts to slap her but stops. The police officer did not react to this and continued yelling at the complainant.
@PragyaLive @skphotography68 @yadavakhilesh @myogiadityanath
सीतापुर की मिश्रिख कोतवाली के इंस्पेक्टर साहब हैं गरीब महिला को न्याय देते हुए,
ये गाली भरी गुर्राहट वाली आवाज ही लोगो को थाने जाने से रोकती है क्या यह सबके साथ ऐसा ही बर्ताव कर पाएंगे या सिर्फ गरीबों के साथ— Deepak Gupta (@deepakstp7) November 16, 2022
The video attracted severe criticism and raised questions about the training of police officers. One of the users accused it of happening every time a Dalit seeks justice.
Taking cognisance of the video, the accused police officer has been sent to the line attach, informed the Sitapur Police.
वीडियो का संज्ञान लेकर प्रभारी निरीक्षक मिश्रित को लाइन हाजिर किया गया है, अन्य विभागीय कार्यवाही हेतु क्षेत्राधिकारी मिश्रिख को जांच दी गयी है।
— Sitapur Police (@sitapurpolice) November 16, 2022