Lucknow: In a stunning turn of events in Uttar Pradesh’s capital city, a man claiming to be the son of a district judge caused a major scene when his car was towed away by traffic police. The incident unfolded when his white Swift Desire was parked in a no-parking zone at Hazratganj, leading to its removal. The aftermath saw a heated confrontation between the judge’s son and the traffic police, as he lost his temper, hurled abuses, and made threatening statements.
Parking violation leads to chaos
The situation began when the traffic police officers warned car owners through loudspeakers to remove their vehicles parked in the no-parking zone. Ignoring the announcement, the owner of the white Swift Desire failed to arrive, prompting the traffic police to secure the car with a jammer and have it towed to the yard.
Upon discovering his car missing, the man in question visited the traffic booth yard and was informed about the removal of his car. Outraged, he erupted into a fit of anger, targeting the traffic police personnel. His threats included warnings of legal consequences and even physical violence if his car wasn’t immediately released.
In Lucknow, the son of a judge threatened traffic police for towing away his car from a no-parking zone. Thankfully, police didn’t succumb to pressure. Hope CJI is watching this “entitlement of the unelected” anonymously on Twitter and takes
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Confrontation escalates
Amidst the chaos, the man claimed that he would take the traffic officers to the police station and ensure they faced the repercussions. Eventually, after a tense exchange, the car was released upon payment of a fine amounting to Rs 1,100. Reports have revealed that the car is registered under the name of the Principal Judge of Meerut.
Implications of the incident
This incident sheds light on the potential misuse of power and connections, as well as the disregard for rules exhibited by individuals in influential positions. The confrontation showcases the need for uniform treatment under the law, irrespective of social status, while also highlighting the importance of proper parking etiquette to avoid such situations.