Lucknow: Suresh Thakur, a prominent figure within the Samajwadi Party and strikingly resembling the current Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, passed away on Thursday evening due to a cardiac arrest. This tragic incident follows his altercation with two village youths just 13 days prior, as alleged by his wife. Although the post-mortem report attributes his demise to a heart attack, the circumstances leading up to his passing remain clouded in controversy.
CM योगी के हमशक्ल सुरेश ठाकुर की संदिग्ध हालात में मौत
---Advertisement---◆ सपा के प्रचारक थे Suresh Thakur#SureshThakur | Suresh Thakur Death
— News24 (@news24tvchannel) August 12, 2023
A Heart-Wrenching Allegation
Sarita, the wife of the deceased, who held the position of Additional Statistics Officer in the Directorate of Industries in Kanpur district, claims that her husband’s fatal injuries were inflicted during a scuffle with Raman and Umesh, both locals, on July 28. The disagreement reportedly emerged while Thakur was filming the construction of a police post in the village using his mobile phone. Authorities issued challans against all three parties involved due to the disruption caused. Despite Sarita’s assertion that the altercation led to her husband’s internal injuries, the official autopsy confirms his cause of death as a heart attack.
A Respected Figure
Known for donning saffron attire and bearing an uncanny resemblance to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Suresh Thakur held a significant place within the Samajwadi Party. His affiliation with the party was so strong that he was actively engaged in campaigning for the party and maintained a close bond with its chief, Akhilesh Yadav.
Demanding Accountability
Former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav expressed his grief over Thakur’s untimely demise. He took to Twitter to offer his condolences and demanded swift action against the assailants responsible for the alleged assault. Yadav emphasized that the Samajwadi Party stands united in this sorrowful time and acknowledged Thakur’s dedicated contributions to the party’s cause.
सपा के प्रचारक के रूप में अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाने वाले सुरेश ठाकुर की पीट-पीट कर हत्या की घटना अत्यंत हृदय विदारक है।
सरकार से अपील है कि वह जल्द से जल्द दोषियों के खिलाफ उचित कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करे।
भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि।
— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) August 11, 2023
Seeking Justice
The incident has escalated to legal proceedings, with a report of culpable homicide registered against Raman and Umesh Singh, the individuals alleged to have engaged in the altercation with Thakur. Authorities are investigating the claims made by Sarita and are determined to ascertain the events leading up to the tragedy.
A Loss Felt by Many
Suresh Thakur’s demise has left a void within the Samajwadi Party and among his family members. District President Rajesh Yadav extended his sympathies to Thakur’s wife, Sarita Verma, and their loved ones, conveying Akhilesh Yadav’s heartfelt support in their time of mourning. The legacy of Suresh Thakur, who left an indelible mark as a dedicated SP campaigner, will forever be cherished by the party.