New Delhi: The Centre on Thursday said the events related to heavy rainfall are showing an increasing trend over Kerala.
In reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology, Jitendra Singh, said: “There is an increase in occurrence of heavy rainfall activity in Kerala during Southwest Monsoon season (June to September) as per the data for the period 2001-2021.”
The number of events of heavy rainfall (More than 64.4 and less than 115.5 mm), very heavy rainfall (more than 115.5 and less than 204.4 mm), extremely heavy rainfall (more than 204.4 mm) and heavy rainfall and above taken together during southwest monsoon season during recent years.
India Meteorological Department (IMD) has plans to increase the network of Automatic Weather Stations in the State of Kerala. As per BIS-1994 standards, Kerala is to have 115 weather stations. IMD planned for 100 Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in Kerala. Ministry of Earth Sciences recently installed 77 AWS and the installation of remaining 23 AWS is in progress.
In addition to this, Kerala has 15 AWS stations additionally, thus making a total number of 92 Automatic Weather Stations available for Kerala. Apart from these, there are 10 upgraded Automatic Rainfall Measuring stations also in the state. IMD has already expedited the installation of sanctioned Automatic Weather Stations for Kerala.