Bhopal: In a heart-wrenching incident, the body of a woman named Manju Vishwakarma was discovered in the forest under Bhaulamada police station in Madhya Pradesh on August 21, 2022. Manju, 45, was slain with her throat slashed.
When the police investigated the entire incident, a shocking truth was revealed, and Vinita Vishwakarma, the deceased woman’s 25-year-old daughter, and her uncle Lal Bahadur were apprehended.
Lal Bahadur, 50, was having an affair with his niece Vinita. Manju Vishwakarma became aware of her brother-in-actions law’s and objected to the relationship. She also told her daughter about it. Lal Bahadur, on the other hand, plotted with Vinita.
On August 20, he took the woman to the Kushiara Marghati forest under the guise of exorcism. He was murdered there by slitting his throat. The daughter filed a missing person report for her mother here. The woman’s body was discovered in the forest the next day.
Following the complaint, the police interrogated the daughter thoroughly and the entire situation came to light.
Vinita had an affair with an uncle who was twice her age. Mother was opposed to the affair. Following that, the lovers carried out the conspiracy together. Both the daughter and the uncle have been arrested by the police.