Dholai: In a shocking incident unveiled from Assam’s Kachhar on Sunday, a gruesome discovery has sent shockwaves through the region. The lifeless body of a 12-year-old boy was found with his head severed in a Madarsa. What’s perplexing is that six other children were sleeping in the same room, unaware of the horrifying event. No one heard or sensed anything amiss. Authorities have sealed the Madarsa premises and taken three individuals into custody.
Morning revelation unveils gruesome scene
The incident took place in the Kachhar district, specifically at the Darus Salam Hafizia Madarsa in Dholai area. According to police reports, on Sunday morning, the lifeless body of a 12-year-old student was discovered within the dormitory of the Madarsa. The initial shock was experienced by one of his six roommates.
Room occupied by seven students
Authorities disclosed that the dormitory room contained a total of seven students, including the deceased victim. When one of the roommates woke up, he was met with the horrific sight of the boy’s decapitated body.
The remains were subsequently sent to the Silchar Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem examination. Senior officials, including the Superintendent of Police, have visited the scene and initiated a thorough investigation.
Sealing of Madarsa premises
The Superintendent of Police shared that as part of the ongoing investigation, three individuals, including students of the Madarsa, have been taken into custody. Statements from other students are also being recorded to gather more information. In light of the incident, authorities have decided to seal the premises of the Madarsa until the completion of the investigation.
Tragic misidentification ends in brutal killing
In another unfortunate incident, a young man was brutally beaten to death by villagers who mistook him for a thief. This incident occurred in the Nagao district. According to police reports, in Bamun village within the Hojai Lanka Police Station jurisdiction, a man named Hizbur Rahman was apprehended by villagers. He was severely beaten by the villagers who believed he was a thief.
By the time the police arrived at the scene, Rahman had already succumbed to his injuries. In response, the police have arrested six individuals in connection with the case.