Rajnagar: Hindu Raksha Dal President Pinky Chaudhary is once again in the spotlight, but this time for an altercation with a traffic police constable. A head constable from the traffic police department in Ghaziabad has filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Pinky Chaudhary, accusing him of creating a ruckus and using indecent language towards the police personnel. The incident allegedly occurred on October 1 during a routine traffic challan procedure in Rajnagar Extension, and a video of the altercation has since gone viral on social media.
Heated exchange over traffic violation
According to Head Constable Dinesh Kumar, the incident began when a vehicle coming from Hindon Airport in Rajnagar Extension was issued a traffic challan for violating traffic rules. The driver of the vehicle initiated a protest and summoned some individuals, one of whom identified himself as Pinky Choudhary. Choudhary allegedly obstructed the officers from carrying out their duties and engaged in verbally abusive language. Despite repeated attempts to resolve the situation amicably, Choudhary and his associates continued to disrupt traffic and sat down on the road. A viral video of the incident captures Pinky Choudhary engaged in a heated argument with the police personnel.
This is how elected MPs of the world’s largest democracy are treated after being given an appointment to meet with a Minister of the Govt of India (which she refused to honour after making us wait 3 hours)
Shame @narendramodi shame @AmitShah pic.twitter.com/cmx6ZzFxBu
---Advertisement---— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) October 3, 2023
Legal action taken
ACP Nandgram, Ravi Kumar Singh, confirmed that a case has been registered against Pinky Chaudhary and approximately 10-12 unidentified individuals in response to the viral video. The authorities are currently taking further action to address the matter.
It is worth noting that Hindu Raksha Dal members claim that the traffic police issued the challan because the vehicle displayed ‘Jai Mata Di’ (‘Hail Mother Goddess’) written on it. They argue that there is no rule against such displays.
Separate case for indecent remarks
In a separate incident, a case has been filed against Hindu Raksha Dal National President Pinky Choudhary at Tila Mod police station for using abusive language related to the Hindu religion. ACP Shalimar Garden, Surya Bali Maurya, revealed that a video had circulated showing Pinky Choudhary, also known as Bhupendra Tomar, making derogatory remarks about the Hindu religion in the company of his supporters.
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