New Delhi: The Delhi Police Tuesday has taken Aftab Ameen Poonawalla, an accused in the Shraddha murder case to the jungle where he had disposed off the victims body parts.
As per the sources in the Delhi Police, a common friend of Aftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walker has been called for questioning. This is the friend who had intimated Shraddha’s father about her going incommunicado.
Poonawalla used only one weapon was used to chop Shraddha’s body parts. Aftab had used a mini saw to chop off the body parts. The mini saw is yet to be recovered. Aftab broke down after they grilled him when he gave confused timelines of when Shraddha left him.
Aftab had allegedly strangled his live-in partner Shraddha to death. He then chopped her body into 35 pieces and dumped them into the forests of Mehrauli over a period of 18 days. Allegedly the guy used to step out at around 2 am everyday to dump the body parts.
The accused was living with her live-in partner. He strangled her to death on May 18 after they had a fight.
Aftab then chopped her over the period of next 18 days. He used to dispose off the body parts in different areas of the Mehrauli forest.
Read More: Heinous! Man kills live-in partner, chops body into 35 pieces, keeps in fridge, dispose one by one
Swati Maliwal posted on Twitter
Chairperson of the Delhi’s Commission of Women, Swati Maliwal has posted on twitter in this regard. She wrote, “In a heart-wrenching case, a girl was killed by her boyfriend in Delhi and kept in the fridge in 35 pieces! The pieces of his dead body were thrown in different areas of the city. How are the poor living in the society? Police has arrested the accused, the rapist should be punished severely.”