Ghaziabad: A village school in Bamheta finds itself embroiled in a deeply concerning controversy as allegations of inappropriate behavior and a violent altercation involving the principal unfold. The incident has led to a formal report being lodged at the local police station by both parties.
Disturbing accusations on both ends
Serious allegations have come to light involving several students from classes seven to ten at a Bamheta-based school. They accuse Dr. Rajeev Pandey, the principal, of engaging in inappropriate behavior. The students claim that initially, they chose to overlook it, but the situation escalated, prompting them to confide in their parents.
Tensions escalate to violence
The allegations took a dark turn as angered parents and villagers confronted the principal at the school premises, resulting in a physical altercation on Tuesday. The incident has been registered by both parties at the local Weave City Police Station, highlighting the gravity of the situation.
Investigations supported by CCTV footage
The authorities are harnessing the power of CCTV footage to aid their investigation. Dr. Rajeev Pandey is facing allegations from the students, while the school management has also filed a case against unidentified villagers. AC-Web City Salonie Agarwal revealed that surveillance recordings within the school are under scrutiny.
Principals’ Association steps in
Jay Bhagwan Tyagi, the District President of the Uttar Pradesh Principals’ Association, has asserted that the allegations against Principal Pandey lack substantiation. He has formally requested the Police Superintendent to initiate an impartial inquiry and take necessary actions based on the investigation’s findings. Similarly, the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Teachers’ Association has also submitted a memorandum to the Police Superintendent.
The unsettling events at the Bamhaita village school underscore the importance of thorough investigations to ascertain the truth behind the allegations.