New Delhi: In a concerning incident, a gas leak occurred at a Municipal Corporation school situated in the Narayana area of Delhi. The leak led to the hospitalization of 23 children, all of whom were attending the primary school, with ages ranging from seven to eight years.
Among the affected children, 8 were admitted to Acharya Bhikshu Hospital, where their conditions were reported to be stable. The remaining 15 children were taken to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, where two of them are currently in critical condition and are receiving medical attention.
Gas Leakage Near Railway Line
MCD Mayor Shelly Oberoi addressed the incident through a tweet, informing that the gas leak near a railway line in Delhi’s Naraina area affected a nearby municipal school. The immediate response led to the transportation of the affected children to hospitals. The mayor stated that 8 children were admitted to Acharya Bhikshu Hospital, while 15 were admitted to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. The two critically ill children are receiving oxygen support to stabilize their condition.
दिल्ली के नारायणा में रेलवे लाइन के करीब एक नगर निगम स्कूल तक गैस लीकेज पहुंचने से 23 बच्चों को अस्पताल में भर्ती करना पड़ा है। 8 बच्चे आचार्य भिक्षु अस्पताल में भर्ती हैं, स्थिति स्टेबल है। 15 बच्चे RML अस्पताल में भर्ती हैं, जिनमें से 2 बच्चे Anxious हैं, Oxygen पर है।
— Dr. Shelly Oberoi (@OberoiShelly) August 11, 2023
Response and Current Situation
Upon exposure to the gas leak, the children reportedly noticed a foul smell, which led to a series of fainting episodes among them. Prompt medical care was provided, and most of the children are reported to be in stable condition. Medical professionals are diligently attending to the children’s needs, and some teachers from the school have also joined them at the hospital. The incident highlights the importance of swift response and medical attention in ensuring the safety and well-being of the affected individuals.
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Mayor Initiates Inquiry Following Gas Leak Incident
Mayor Shelly Oberoi expressed her concern and commitment to the well-being of the affected children through her tweet. She emphasized that the health of the children remains the foremost priority. Mayor Oberoi also conveyed that a thorough investigation into the incident has been ordered to determine the cause and source of the gas leakage. The purpose of this comprehensive inquiry is to identify any lapses or negligence that may have contributed to the incident. She further stated that if any individual or entity is found responsible for the gas leak due to negligence, appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the established rules and regulations.