Delhi Police’s official account on X (formerly Twitter) was recently hacked by a group claiming to be “MagIC Edem.” The incident has raised concerns about cybersecurity and the integrity of law enforcement’s online presence.
The Delhi Police official X account has 1 million of followers. Currently the X handle is following 52 people on social media platform.
According to the DP, official account, currently there is no display picture (DP), and the last post was made on Monday. It is not confirmed yet that the hacker deleted something from the DP, X account or did something suspect. The official comment did not comment on the issue yet.
Background on Hacking Claims
This hacking incident is not isolated. Earlier in December 2024, another group known as “KillSec” claimed to have accessed the Delhi traffic police’s website. They alleged that they could manipulate pending traffic challans, marking them as “paid” if users provided specific ticket reference numbers. This claim was made through messages on their Telegram channel, indicating a troubling trend of cybercriminals targeting law enforcement digital platforms.
Ongoing Investigations
The Delhi Police are currently investigating these claims to determine the extent of any data breaches and to ensure that their systems are secure. They are assessing whether any sensitive data was accessed or manipulated during these hacking incidents.
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