Delhi Eastern Range's Additional CP Sagar Singh Kalsi on late Saturday took stock of security arrangements in several areas of Shahdara District ahead of Republic Day on January 26. He was also accompanied during his visit by senior police officers. Speaking to ANI, Sagar Singh Kalsi said, "In view of Republic Day, we are making several arrangements. Our only motive is to organise a smooth celebration... Security checks are also underway at all the borders..."
Meanwhile, given Republic Day celebrations, no flights will arrive or depart from Delhi Airport between 10:20 am and 12:45 pm from January 19 to January 26, according to an official statement from Delhi International Airport Limited issued on Saturday. Ahead of Republic Day, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh attended the Republic Day parade camp organised by the National Cadet Corps in the national capital on Saturday. The country observes Republic Day on January 26 every year.
French President Emmanuel Macron will be the chief guest on January 26 this year at the invitation of PM Modi. It will be the sixth occasion when a French leader will be the chief guest at Republic Day celebrations. In a first, the Border Security Force's (BSF) all-women marching and brass band contingents will participate in this year's Republic Day parade on Kartavya Path. An Assistant Commandant rank woman officer and two subordinate officers will lead a total of 144 women BSF constables marching down Kartavya Path on January 26 when India will be celebrating its 75th Republic Day in the presence of Emmanuel Macron. The Delhi Police on Friday prohibited flying of sub-conventional aerial platforms, including paragliders, paramotors, hang gliders, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the national capital. The prohibition has been implemented for 29 days--from January 18 to February 15--unless withdrawn earlier.
Source ANI