As the Uttar Pradesh government introduces stricter laws to combat reckless driving, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath chaired a meeting to discuss new decisions aimed at addressing repeat offenders. According to ABP reports, the CM urged law enforcement officers to take decisive action against vehicles that have been repeatedly fined for violating traffic laws. The news report also suggests that the CM recommended linking all driver details, including repeated fines, to their FASTag accounts. Additionally, the issue of overloading violations was addressed during the meeting.
Will Lead To License/Permit Cancelation
It is also reported that repeat offenders could face the cancellation of their licenses/permits. This action will be compulsorily linked to FASTag. Following the CM’s directive, those whose vehicles are repeatedly fined may face increased scrutiny.
During the review meeting, the CM also instructed the departments of information, transport, and road safety to install hoardings encouraging people to follow traffic rules. These hoardings will be placed in all 75 districts, 350 tehsils, 1500 police stations, and across all municipal bodies. Additionally, law enforcement officers will conduct a Road Safety Month in all 75 districts.