New Delhi: In a video, a group of people were seen engaging in horsecart racing on Jawaharlal Nehru Marg near Darya Ganj in central Delhi on Sunday. Police arrested 10 people who were involved in the incident.
On Sunday evening, at 4.30 p.m., Delhi Police received information that some persons were horse racing on Jawaharlal Nehru Marg from Rajghat to Delhi Gate, Civic Centre, and Paharganj. A police force promptly set up barricades near PS Kamla Market.
#WATCH | Delhi: Ten people apprehended, earlier today, after they engaged in horse-cart racing at Jawaharlal Nehru Marg from Rajghat towards Delhi Gate, Civic Centre. Four horse-carts & 2 two-wheelers. seized. Horses to be handed over to MCD: Delhi Police
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2023
In the video, four hours of cards and six people can be seen riding the cards. In addition, several individuals on scooters and motorbikes were riding alongside them to clear the route for the race. Two scooters and one motorbike, as well as four persons, were also detained.
Action has been commenced under Sections 289, 268, 188, and 34 of the IPC and Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. The horses and vehicles have been seized, while hours were handed over to MCD. Further investigation is underway.