Deoria: A heartbreaking case has emerged from Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria area. A Dalit kid riding a bike was battered to death here after colliding with another bike. The police have opened a case against half a dozen people accused of murder and violating the SC-ST Act based on the Tahrir of family members.
Parents work at brick kiln
The event occurred in the Madanpur police station area of the Deoria district. According to reports, Nagina Putra Tegri, a resident of Jaddu Parasia, works on a brick kiln in Khajuri Tiwari and lives with his wife and children. On Friday, his son Ketal was riding his bike somewhere. On the way, he collided with elderly Ugrasen Yadav of Pidri village.
Beaten again and again
Following the altercation, persons from the elderly side allegedly grabbed the bike rider Ketal and he was severely battered. According to media sources, Ketal fainted during the beating. After he recovered consciousness, the accused began punching him again. After receiving the information, the injured Ketal’s family members rushed him to Gorakhpur Medical College, where he died during treatment.
Murder case filed
The cops arrived at the scene after receiving the information. On the basis of the family members’ complaint, the police first filed a case under Section 307 and the SC/ST Act against Gujesar Yadav, Ramhans Yadav, Shailesh Yadav, Shriram Yadav, Ram Pravesh Yadav, and Raju Yadav. Simultaneously, following Ketal’s death, the section of murder has been added to the case.
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