Noida: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has reached Noida. A grand welcome by local public representatives, ministers, and veteran leaders of the BJP. Rajya Sabha MP Surendra Singh Nagar, local MP Dr Mahesh Sharma, cabinet minister Nand Gopal Nandi, Noida MLA Pankaj Singh, Dadri MLA Tejpal Nagar, and MLC Narendra Bhati welcomed Yogi Adityanath with mementoes.
The foundation stone and inauguration of projects worth Rs 1,700 crore will occur in Noida today. Apart from this, Yogi Adityanath will flag off more than 50 Noida Police vehicles. Yogi Adityanath will stay in Gautam Buddha Nagar for 8 hours. After doing the programme in Noida, he will reach Gautam Buddha University. The toppers in the UPSC exam and living in Greater Noida will meet and honour three youths. The Police Commissioner will hold a high-level meeting with all the MLAs and MPs of the district at Gautam Buddha University.