An Accident occurred on the Chennai-Bengaluru highway early on Tuesday, when a container truck collided with a private bus near Sriperumbudur, resulting in significant injuries and chaos. The collision happened as the bus was reportedly attempting to make a U-turn at a traffic signal when it was struck by the speeding truck. The impact was so severe that it dragged the bus along the road before both vehicles crashed into an electricity pole, causing the bus to overturn.
Eyewitness accounts and video footage from the scene depict a harrowing situation, with the bus overturning and several passengers scrambling to escape. Tragically, two pedestrians were crushed beneath the bus during the incident, highlighting the grave consequences of such accidents.
A private company bus was involved in an accident early this morning on the Chennai-Bengaluru National Highway near Thandalam, close to Sriperumbudur, when it collided with a lorry. More than ten individuals sustained serious injuries in this incident.
— Mahalingam Ponnusamy (@mahajournalist) December 10, 2024
Emergency services quickly arrived at the scene, transporting the injured—including both passengers and pedestrians—to nearby hospitals for urgent medical attention. Reports indicate that at least eight individuals sustained serious injuries, with some in critical condition.
This accident raises ongoing concerns about road safety on one of Tamil Nadu’s busiest highways, where reckless driving and inadequate traffic management have been persistent issues. Authorities are expected to investigate the circumstances surrounding this incident further to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
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