Chandigarh: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Thursday distributed compensation amount among the farmers who suffered crop damage due to rains in Punjab. On the first day, a compensation amount of Rs 40 crore was distributed to the affected farmers. During this, the Chief Minister said that out of the total Rs 12.94 crore, he himself distributed Rs 6 crore as compensation to 362 villages in Fazilka district.
Government committed to provide relief to farmers
Bhagwant Maan said, “Today cannot be called a happy day, because I have come here to compensate the loss caused to the farmers due to the havoc of nature. Your government is firmly committed to provide relief to the affected people, especially the farmers, in this hour of crisis.
visited the affected areas to take stock
The Chief Minister said that after incessant rains, he had visited the affected areas to take stock of the situation on the ground. Bhagwant Mann said that his heart was saddened to see the heavy loss caused to the farmers due to bad weather. He said that soon after this, the State Government ordered a massive special girdawari to ascertain the damage caused to the people.
No compensation was given to the people on the ground level
The Chief Minister said that this time there has been a decisive change in Girdawari as compared to the previous government, as earlier only hollow claims were made and no compensation was given to the people at the ground level. Bhagwant Mann said that during the previous governments, Girdawari was dependent only on the wishes of politically influential people, due to which no real beneficiary was helped. He said that instead of going to the fields, such girdawaris were completed in the homes of rich people.
Compensation to farmers at the rate of Rs 6800 per acre
The Chief Minister said that his government has increased the compensation amount to farmers by 25 per cent for crop damage. If the loss is more than 75 percent, then the state government will give compensation to the farmers at the rate of Rs 15,000 per acre. Similarly, he said that if the loss is from 33 to 75 percent, the farmers will be given compensation at the rate of Rs.6800 per acre. Similarly, Bhagwant Mann said that the agricultural laborers will also be given suitable compensation for the loss, so that they do not face any difficulty. He said that compensation is also being given for minor damage to houses.
Also Read: Governmet to link Atal Tinkering Labs for farmers welfare
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