Raipur: A dreadful incident unfolded in Chhattisgarh’s Raipur as two sisters were subjected to a horrifying gang-rape while returning from celebrating Raksha Bandhan. The shocking attack, perpetrated by ten individuals, has sent shockwaves through the region, leaving a community in distress.
A Joyous Occasion Turns Into Nightmare
What should have been a joyous celebration took a nightmarish turn when a group of ten assailants forcibly obstructed the path of the two sisters and their male companion. This dreadful incident occurred as they made their way back after completing their in the sacred bond of Raksha Bandhan.
Robbery and violence
The ordeal began when three of the accused initially intercepted the victims. These assailants, driven by their criminal intent, allegedly robbed the sisters of their cash and mobile phones. However, this was just the beginning of the horror. Subsequently, seven more individuals, riding on four motorcycles, descended upon the scene.
Amid the chaos, they abducted the sisters and took them to an isolated location away from the main road, where they are said to have committed the unspeakable act of rape.
Companion subjected to violence
Adding to the heinousness of the crime, the male companion who was accompanying the two sisters also suffered severe physical violence at the hands of the perpetrators.
Swift police action
As news of this shocking incident reached the authorities, the police wasted no time in responding. A case was promptly registered, leading to the arrest of ten individuals, one of whom is the son of a prominent local BJP leader, Laxmi Narayan Singh.
Accused with criminal histories
The arrested individuals include several with prior criminal records, further intensifying the gravity of the situation. Notably, one of the main suspects, Poonam Thakur, was recently released on bail in August 2023. Poonam Thakur’s association with the son of a local BJP leader adds another layer of complexity to this distressing case.
This shocking incident of gang-rape during a festive occasion has left the community in disbelief. As the investigation proceeds, the focus remains on delivering justice to the victims and ensuring that the perpetrators face the full extent of the law.